Like our main branch, we lead in the field of Laparoscopic Surgery. Rubyhall Clinic has started advanced treatment for Laparoscopic Surgery at the hands of internationally reputed surgeons.
Procedures Performed but not Restricted to
- Lap appendectomy
- Cholecystectomy for gall bladder diseases
- Surgery for Hiatus Hernia- fundoplication
- Surgery for achalasia cardia
- Stomach ulcers/tumors/cancers etc.
- Small intestinal strictures/tumours/cancers etc.
- Stapler surgery for piles
- Surgery for adrenal tumors
- Surgery for spleen
- Surgery for liver cysts
- Surgery for liver tumors
- Surgery for kidneys
- Laparoscopic surgery for the uterus and for ovaries.
- Thoracoscopic surgery for thymus/for myasthenia gravis and thymoma
- Mediastinoscopies for mediastinal diseases and tumours
- Thoracoscopy for pericardial cyst/lung diseases and lung resections
- Thoracoscopic surgeries for sympathectomy
- Laparoscopic surgery for hernia repair, Inguinal, Umbilical, Incisional, Recurrent etc.
- Surgery for colonic and colorectal diseases.
- Tumors
- Cancers
- Ulcers
Achievements of Ruby Hall Clinic
- Performed 1st laparoscopic surgery for oesophageal carcinoma in Western India in 2001
- Multiple national and International publications and presentations are accredited to our unit
- Conducted the first International workshop for advanced laparoscopic surgery in 2003
Advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery
- Key-hole surgery
- Short hospital stay
- Many procedures can be done as daycare surgery
- Minimally invasive surgery
- Scar-less surgery/No scar surgery
- Painless
- Can rejoin regular activities (household & office) in a very short duration after the operation
- No restriction of physical activity
- No cutting of muscles